Article for teachers/educators

You can create a lesson plan in three different ways:

  • Create a brand new one.
  • Copy an existing plan.
  • Create from a template (or create a template).

Creating a new lesson plan:

  • Navigate to the school's homepage (to ensure the plan is linked to the correct school).
  • Go to Unikum Share.
  • Click on the 'Create New' button on the right and follow the instructions.

  • You can add assignments to the plan
  • You can create a rubric within the plan or copy an existing one. We strongly recommend creating the rubric separately and then linking it (among other reasons, to use the same rubric multiple times).
  • You can also link to different parts of the curriculum and attach materials from platforms like G-Suite or Office365 or from the web.

Creating a plan from a template or copying an existing one:

  • Go to Unikum Share and find the template you want to use or the plan you want to copy.
  • Open the plan by clicking on it.
  • Select 'Copy' and rename the template/plan to what you want your new plan to be called (NOTE!! Remove 'copy' from the name to be able to publish it).
  • Save as a draft.
  • Link your new plan to the relevant educational level and subjects, change/add an introductory image and text.
  • Edit/add content in the same way you create a new plan. Save frequently!
  • Publish when you're done

Creating a planning template:

In the same way as creating a completely new plan, you can create a template to use for your plans. Insert what you want to use in the template and name it, for instance, 'Template for XXX,' and ask a school admin to mark it as a school favorite so that everyone can find it easily in Unikum Share.

Note! When you publish your plan, it also appears in the international Unikum Share.